More Gardening Tips More Joy in Your Garden

About US

Colleen here – I’d like to share a bit about myself with you and also about how I began my journey in creating this website.  If you are interested in turning your hobby into an income producing website, please click on the link below. If not- skip that and keep reading below 🙂

Learn  why  I love  SBI  – the platform for my website. If you have ever been even slightly interested in e-business or want to expand your current business online, I highly recommend watching the video and reading the information. There is so much on-trend information that SBI offers you even without using their products! I have learned a ton, and continue to learn and grow my business.

I’m proud to say that I live in beautiful Plymouth Minnesota; The #1 Best Place to Live in America 2008 -2009  as voted by Money Magazine.

One of the factors of that award, along with “A sense of home, parks and award-winning schools” is that we have many beautiful public and home gardens adding to the quality of life here in Plymouth Minnesota.

I’m your average, everyday kind of gardener; I learned from trial and error and reading magazines; gardening for many years. ….Since I was about 23 and a first-time homeowner.

I’m also a working mom with a wonderful husband. We keep busy with our yard and garden, and also the visits from our 6 grown children and other family and friends that we entertain on the weekends.

There is an “Us” with my husband and kids and family  –  I do have to give my family credit for their support and many of the photos taken for this site.

I have a love of gardening and other creative outlets; like entertaining at home, interior design, card making, scrapbooking and traveling.

You may be thinking to yourself- “I like those things too – but I never seem to have any money or time.”

I used to say-

Someday, someday, someday……

I wanted more creative outlets, but also wanted to make more money and to plan for my retirement when more of the travel part of my life could kick in.

In the last few years, I’ve learned that my passion and enthusiasm for gardening were growing and I wanted to share it. …… I learned how to plan my garden projects so that they would get finished.  Now that’s a concept, isn’t it?

I also learned that I liked the idea of passive income after reading the book by Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” which talks about income from a rental property. (It was exciting when we did go on to purchase a rental property a few years ago.

I also discovered that I was very interested in creating an online business as a creative outlet and the bonus- extra income.

I finally figured out that someday was NOW.

So the combination of my gardening hobby, the need for more creativity, and passive income resulted in – This website.

Look here to see how others are having fun and bringing in some extra income with this same business model. It is inspiring to see others happy and successful and puts a smile on my face 🙂   I hope it does the same for you.

There are so many Web hosting companies chasing your business… from the “local expert” to the largest multinational companies. There is a lot of noise out there, all promising the instant gratification of “getting your site up.”   I can tell you that this works,  it is not a get rich quick scheme by any means…it is hard work, time and dedication. But follow the Action Guide and you too can succeed!

Well….we’ve come to the end – so thanks for reading all the way down to the bottom. I hope you find lots of inspiration and garden ideas from the photos and articles on the site. Enjoy.

Wishing you success and enjoyment in your garden planning, planting and entertaining!  …..
