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Transforming Empty Cosmetic Bottles into Eco-Chic Planters

Transforming Empty Cosmetic Bottles into Eco-Chic Planters

Repurposing empty cosmetic bottles into flower pots is not only an eco-friendly innovation but also adds a unique decorative touch to your home or office.

This recycling initiative not only reduces landfill waste but also provides a beautiful and practical environment for growing plants. Here’s a guide on how to transform empty cosmetic bottles into charming flower pots.


  1. Collect Empty Cosmetic Bottles: Save those uniquely shaped, colorful bottles such as shampoo, conditioner, and facial cleanser bottles.
  2. Clean the Bottles: Ensure the bottles are thoroughly cleaned inside and out to remove any residual cosmetics. Use soap and water for cleaning, and a small brush if necessary to scrub.
  3. Remove Labels: Soak in warm water or use an adhesive remover to help peel off labels and glue from the bottles.
  4. Drill Drainage Holes: Use a drill to make several small holes in the bottom of the bottle to ensure that water can drain out, preventing root rot.

Choosing Plants

  1. Succulents: Their drought-tolerant nature makes succulents an ideal choice for cosmetic bottle planters.
  2. Small Foliage Plants: Opt for small foliage plants, such as ivy or spider plants, which can thrive in confined spaces.
  3. Aromatic Herbs: Small aromatic herbs like rosemary, mint, or lavender are not only visually pleasing but also emit a pleasant fragrance.

Planting Steps

  1. Fill With Substrate: Add a layer of pebbles or broken pottery at the bottom to enhance drainage. Then fill the bottle with potting soil up to two-thirds of its height.
  2. Plant: Gently place the chosen plant into the bottle, carefully spreading the roots, and ensuring the plant is stable. Continue to add soil until the roots are completely covered.
  3. Water: After planting, water moderately. The drainage holes you’ve made will allow excess water to escape, preventing root rot.

Care and Maintenance

  1. Lighting: Ensure the plants receive sufficient light but avoid direct, strong sunlight which can scorch the leaves.
  2. Watering: Adjust watering frequency based on the type of plant. Succulents and drought-tolerant plants require less water.
  3. Fertilizing: Apply a diluted liquid fertilizer every month or bimonthly to promote healthy growth.


By following these steps, discarded cosmetic bottles can be transformed into beautiful mini gardens. This is not just an innovative way to recycle but also a fantastic method to add greenery and vitality to your living space. Whether placed on a windowsill at home or in a corner of your office desk, these cosmetic bottle planters will add a touch of life and elegance to your space. Let’s take action for the environment while enjoying the pleasures of gardening.